The gospel accounts of Jesus' last days show my sin in a new light; I have a horrifying resemblance to those who deserted, betrayed and even crucified Jesus.
Has the comfort of friends ever left you feeling worse than you did before? Have you felt criticized and judged when all you wanted was empathy and support?
My first husband said he didn't love me the day before Valentine's Day. Two weeks later he moved to another state. How can I view this day I once dreaded differently?
I cried out to the Lord, telling him how this felt colossally unfair. I ended by declaring, “I can’t live like this for the rest of my life. I just can’t do it!” I felt frustrated and angry and overwhelmed all at the same time. I couldn’t imagine living the rest of my life with the physical struggles I had today.
At Christmas I feel an ache that I can hardly put into words. My heart is longing to experience, and not just know intellectually, the truth of God with us.
Depression almost withers joy. Those who suffer with it often endure silently, feeling shame and condemnation. Given that, how should Christians approach it?
Why should we care about gratitude? Does it even make a difference if we are grateful or not? What should we do if we find nothing to be grateful for?
As I consider what I am thankful for, adversity is not on the list. But looking at the life of Solomon, adversity may have been the one blessing he needed...
Whenever I get angry, everyone else does too. But when I respond graciously, things get better. When will I learn that anger is contagious but so is grace?
Sometimes my faith shakes when my dreams are shattered. Since I cannot sense God's presence, I wonder where he is. I feel alone & afraid as my faith wavers.
I used to feel my children were walking billboards, advertising my worth as a parent & person. But then I learned that God was using parenting to perfect me
After 50 years of quadriplegia, Joni Eareckson Tada is even more aware of God's grace. I am in awe, not of Joni, but of the amazing God she joyfully serves.
Why doesn't God fix my problem when I'm begging him? I have asked that question numerous times as I've felt abandoned by God after begging for his help.
Forgiving is hard; it often feels like death. And it feels so unfair. Yet extending forgiveness has been one of the most life-giving things I have ever done...
What do you do with your failure? Do you deny it, rationalize it, hide it or let it bury you? Or do you dare to believe that God can use it ...
Those four words that have guided me through the darkest days. They have given me clarity and strength when I needed it and direction when I felt overwhelmed.
God can use both my sorrows and my joys to draw me closer to him. But am I willing to trust God with the things in my life that look marred and broken?
Jesus doesn’t just offer rest. He shows us how to do it. As we walk with Him and watch what He did, we will discover the secret of true rest.
Good Friday has even become more precious this year as I have seen new facets of the cross to be thankful for and have fallen even more in love with Jesus.
Most of us would prefer healing to grace. It’s tangible. Visible. A cause for celebration. Our needs are met. What healing can grace offer us in comparison?
My word for 2016 is challenging all of my thoughts and actions. Rather than something I think about occasionally, it must change my very fiber to become a reality in my life.
I was mentally jotting down people who had been irritating me. It was everyone I knew. But then I picked up the Bible and was convicted of my own actions and attitudes…
Perfecting parenting is not about learning to be the perfect parent. Perfecting parenting is about trusting Christ who is using parenting to perfect me.
When I found a ring that I thought someone had stolen, God convicted me about the way I blame others for my mistakes. When things go wrong, I rarely think that it’s my fault…
On Palm Sunday I felt guilty that I had not taken much time to reflect on Easter. But then I realized Easter is not about my effort but about God’s unequivocal triumph.
God doesn’t only bless our work if we pray or have a quiet time. My time with God is not a favor I do for Him, hoping to get something in exchange. But if I skip it, I miss out on hearing His voice.
When well-meaning friends have said insensitive things to me when I’m suffering, I’ve been tempted to get angry or even walk away from the relationship. But here’s what I’ve learned…
In most arguments, I am more concerned about being heard and understood than I am about hearing or understanding. Making my point is the most important thing because I think I’m always right….
It’s so easy to discourage our friends who are suffering, by comparing them to others, minimizing their struggles, offering unasked for advice. Here’s what NOT to do...
Let your faith be bigger than your fear.
That plaque sits prominently on the shelf in my office. Most of the time, I hardly notice it. But recently, that phrase has taken on new meaning.